Saturday 7 January 2017

A little update Xo

Hello Lovely's! 

so obviously since my last post i have been extremely inactive. That is for a number of reason such as school but the main one being - I just don't know what content i should put out here. 

I established this blog as a sort of place where i could vent out my feelings on the life and the world around us. I wanted to follow in the steps of my idols such as SprinkleofGlitter and use it to do what i want to do, but honestly i don't know what i want to do....

I've been thinking over the past few weeks about what i want to do with my blog and how i want to put myself out there and i have come up with the idea of following an actual passion of mine instead of follow what others do. That passion is music. 

I love singing and really want to challenge myself more with it. It is for that reason that i am going to be creating a YouTube channel for it. I will of course still be using this blog for my beauty related things and have no intention of quitting it, I just thought that i would make a post about my plans to let you all know about it. 

In due course i will be getting back to my old ways of uploading a blog post every week - on a  Sunday most likely. 

Once i have created my YouTube channel i will be leaving a link in my bio for it, but you do not in any way have to feel pressured to look at it. If you just want to keep up tot date with my blog then that is completely fine.

Thank-you for taking the time out to read my post and be sure to leave me a comment so i can see who actually likes my blog. 

Good bye for now my Lovely's! <3

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